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Netiquette (englisch)

I am looking forward to actively participating in mputzki.de. Online communication is very important to us, but also tolerance and respect for each other. Everyone has the right to his or her own opinion even if it does not always please you. To make the communication with each other respectful, I ask you the following rules, which should be self-evident.


  • No unlawful content may be made which contains insults, right-wing extremes or racist contributions or other illegal contributions
  • No sexist, pornographic or violence glorifying contributions may be made. (This results in blocking)
    Advertising no matter in which form requires the consent of the operator. Therefore, advertising must be omitted and, if necessary, deleted and marked as spam
  • Do not post inappropriate comments or discriminations
  • Respectful and constructive approach is obligatory. Insults, bullying or threats from Gewallt is prohibited
    It is not allowed to spread FAKE NEWS on mputzki.de. Real news is always welcome.
  • These rules apply to messages, comments, groups, and forums

We reserve the right to delete entries that violate these rules. We do not assume any liability or responsibility for user’s messages, comments, links, photos or videos. These posts do not always reflect the opinion of mputzki.de.

Thank you and have fun

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